Risk Management for Trainee Scrutineers

Risk Management for Lap Scorers / Trainee Steward

WASC Safety Framework

Speedway as a sport poses risks to drivers, Officials / Scrutineers and spectators. WASC recognises this, has conducted significant research into the risks associated with speedway and has used this research to develop an industry leading Safety Framework, as well as a suite of risk management resources, policies and procedures to ensure all risks are minimised wherever possible. As an accredited WASC Official / Scrutineer, at any level, it is important that you understand the process of risk management as it relates to speedway and what you role is within the WASC Safety Framework.

Visit the Risk Management for Sports Officials and familiarise yourself with the basics of risk management as they relate to ALL sports officials (not just speedway Officials / Scrutineers).


Visit the WASC Safety Framework link and familiarise yourself with the Safety Framework.


A requirement for you to receive WASC Official / Scrutineer Accreditation is that you undergo a “working with children check”. Do you have current Working with Children clearance for WA?


For more information about child protection in sport, visit Child protection and Clearinghouse for Sport – Child Protection.
Visit the Race Officials Training Manual link and download the resource.
1.Please read Pages 13-20 (Risk Management).2.What is the “reasonable person test” and how does this relate to the role of Lap Scorer /Trainee Steward in cases of potential liability?3.Please read Pages 21-22 (WASC Code of Conduct).4.If you observed a parent, driver or another Official / Scrutineer not complying with the code,what should you do?


Visit the WASC link, and click on the Safety tab at the top of the page to access WASC safety and risk management information as it relates to specifically to:

  • – Minimum apparel standards
  • – Head and neck restraints
  • – Pit area age restrictions
  • – Pit area fire extinguisher rule

Briefly familiarise yourself with this information.