Welcome to the Western Australian Speedway Commission (WASC) Steward Training Program. This resource has been developed by WASC to guide the delivery of contemporary and flexible professional development for people entering the WASC Official development pathway – i.e. those wanting to fulfill the role of Steward. WASC thanks you for your commitment to our sport – we hope you enjoy your journey through the Steward Program and we look forward to seeing you at the track for many years to come.
How to use this e-Learning resource
Within this resource, you have the opportunity to access information and to complete a number of activities and assessment tasks.
Activities will NOT be assessed, however they are designed to encourage you to think about key concepts and how you may / may not be able to use these as a Steward. They will also help to ensure you are ready to successfully complete the assessment tasks within this Resource.
Although this resource incorporates some assessment tasks it is important to note, the assessment process is designed to focus primarily on assessment FOR learning, not assessment of learning.
As you progress through the resource, completing activities and assessment tasks as you go, please regularly save your work. If you need help at any time, please email
Once you have completed all activities and assessment tasks in Modules 1 & 2, read through the information relating to Module 3 – The Steward in Action, then email your completed resource to Once you have submitted your resource, you will be eligible to participate in the practical workshop component of this Training Program, Module 3 – The Steward in Action.
WASC will review your assessment task responses and provide feedback and an assessment result within 4 weeks. Your participation in the Module 3 practical workshop / practical assessment activities will be assessed during the workshop and you will be notified of your result accordingly.
If WASC requires additional information, they will request this via email, otherwise, you will receive WASC Steward accreditation.

The course has been designed so that each of the modules follows a similar pattern. Each module contains:
- Overview
- Case studies
- Interactive activities (including viewing video clips and activities)
- Assessment questions
- Resources (including articles, game cards, and web links)
If you have any questions or need any help related to the online Introductory Level Officiating General Principles course, please email